At a typical dental practice, your options in teeth replacement may be limited to dental crowns, bridges, standard dentures, and maybe traditional dental implants.
If you’ve lost too much mass in your jawbone to adequately support an implant, all that may leave you with are removable dentures.
But you want more than that.
You deserve better than that.
Only a highly-trained, experienced dentist can give you that, going beyond the standard methods of replacing your lost teeth. As a Diplomate in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists and Fellow in the prestigious Misch International Implant Institute, Dr. Fox has what it takes to provide advanced solutions for patients just like you!
With mini dental implants at Elizabeth Kilpatrick-Fox DMD in Swedesboro, NJ, you can enjoy all the advantages of standard-sized dental implants, like:
*Lasting, stable replacement teeth
*A healthier mouth overall
*A complete, natural-looking smile
*Full oral function to eat anything you want
*Better digestion and nutrition
*A renewed sense of confidence
The benefits of mini dental implants are unique to patients who:
*Don’t have enough jawbone strength to support regular implants
*Lack the space needed for larger implants
*Can’t afford other implant solutions
*Want stronger, more stable dentures
With mini dental implants, which we place here in our office as well, your procedure and recovery time are shorter and easier, too!

Get A New Smile For Spring With Mini Dental Implants!

Being able to smile with confidence and enjoy full, comfortable function of your mouth is something people may not even think about it.
Until they’re affected by tooth loss.
Suddenly, the life you once knew is a fading memory. Your self-esteem, appearance, diet, and your health have all been impacted by missing teeth.
And now, just when you thought there was hope of getting it all back, you realize you either can’t support dental implants because of lost bone density, or you can’t afford the cost of treatment.
But in either case, mini dental implants provide a possible alternative!
Because they’re smaller and require less time and complexity during planning and placement, mini implants often cost less than traditional implants. And since you can support a smaller implant without the same jawbone mass required by a regular implant, it may be easier to regain your healthy, strong, beautiful smile than you originally thought.
Given what a complete set of healthy, fully-functional teeth mean your quality of life, considering mini dental implants as an alternative in tooth replacement is well worth it!

Find Out If Mini Implants Are Right For You!

A weak jawbone isn’t the end of the road for your smile.
Not when you have an experienced Swedesboro dentist like Dr. Fox who provides advanced alternatives to standard implants!
Dr. Fox and our team will place your mini dental implants and restore your smile in one convenient location so you can start spring with a new smile sooner!
To find out if mini dental implants are the right solution for you, call Elizabeth Kilpatrick-Fox, DMD in Swedesboro, NJ today at 856-997-2767 or fill out our online form to request a tooth replacement consultation.