Deborah S.
I had gotten bonding when I was 18 years old, so by the time I got my veneers put on, it was quite a lot of years, and they were starting to discolor. They were starting to chip. They almost looked stained in some areas, so I was very self-conscious of my smile, and also with the bonding, I was always worried about biting into food or chewing something that a piece was going to come off. So I talked to Dr. Fox about it, and she recommended veneers. We talked about it. She showed me some samples. She showed me some before and after pictures, and I was happy with her work. And when I got them, I just couldn’t be happier. Definitely more confident with my smile, and whenever I talk to anybody, I always say, you get an opportunity to get veneers or even really come to Dr. Fox, I would always recommend her. When I look in the mirror now, I see teeth that I’m happy with because they’re all the same color. She did a really great job of matching them with my bottom teeth, and then I’m not worried about somebody just looking at my teeth and thinking, What’s going on with her teeth? The other thing is, she really recommended it, and I thought it was a great idea and I’ve seen this on other people and it doesn’t look that great. Some people, when they get veneers and they smile, they’ve only got veneers halfway through their mouth, so then when they smile, they still have some of the older teeth, so that was one of the things that she had recommended for me to do, and I’m really glad that I did that.